Starting a New Chapter

In the Wisconsin Technology and Engineering state standards, as adopted by State Superintendent Tony Evers in 2013, it says;  “SkillsUSA is the student organization for middle and high school technology and engineering education programs as recognized by the Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction.”  SkillsUSA is an intra-currilcular technology and engineering organization.  The venn diagram below shows the importance of having SkillsUSA as a leadership (soft skills) development component, in addition to academics and work based learning.  This language, and more, is on page 31 in the following section

Chartering your Chapter
Prospective chapter shall apply through the SkillsUSA Wisconsin Executive Director for official affiliation.  All chapters that receive official charters will be allowed to participate in SkillsUSA events.

Your #1 resource as a new SkillsUSA advisor is the SkillsUSA Teachers Guide.  Page 13 has a summary of the minimum items to accomplish in your first year.  Please print this document for further reference.  New Teachers Guide to SkillsUSA Success

The following materials shall accompany the application for chapter charter:
SkillsUSA Local Constitution
Sample SkillsUSA Chapter Calendar (Program of Work)
SkillsUSA Chapter Charter Application
2019-20 Membership Pricing
Local Chapter Budget Example (reference only – you do not have to submit)
What will SkillsUSA Cost 2019-20 (reference only – you do not have to submit)

Please submit all materials for a chapter charter to:
Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction
Attn: SkillsUSA Wisconsin Executive Director
P.O. Box 7841
Madison, WI 53707-7841

After the necessary documentation is received at the state office, the application material will be reviewed for approval. Presentation of the official chapter charter will take place at the annual State Leadership and Skills Conference.