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- 12 Steps to Start a Chapter Guide
- New Chapter 2024-25 Guide
- Tutorial for accessing professional membership benefits
- Wisconsin Annual Dues: Students $13.00 and Advisors $23.00 paid through the registration site. Member registration must be complete by March 1st of each year in order to register for State Leadership and Skills Conference (SLSC). An annual Chapter Affiliation Fee of $250 will apply after the first full year of membership. This invoice will be due by January 1st of each academic year and will be issued by and paid to the Wisconsin Association of SkillsUSA, Inc., PO Box 7841, Madison, WI 53707.
- Absorb Learning Management System
From the Absorb dashboard, instructors can easily see what’s new, navigate to their professional member benefits, review and download the SkillsUSA Championships Technical Standards for upcoming career competitions, register for courses, participate in professional development, download certificates, and more.
- Advisors/Chaperones at District and Regional Competitions
All schools that participate in a district or regional competition are required to have a registered advisor/chaperone present with them. Don’t forget to register this person when you register your students. The registration cost per advisor/chaperone is $5 and that goes to the host school for the provided meal. All advisors who volunteer to coordinate or judge a district competition will be entered into a drawing on the evening of the competition for the opportunity to receive SkillsUSA swag!
- Chapter Excellence Program (CEP)
The Chapter Excellence Program (CEP) is the single best way to build a successful SkillsUSA chapter. The CEP recognizes achievement as it relates to the integration of the SkillsUSA Framework in the chapter Program of Work (PoW) activities. Every chapter is encouraged to participate in the CEP, and there are three award levels to recognize program involvement.
- Local Chapter Resources
Did you know that new resources have been created for you to utilize in your SkillsUSA chapter? Check out the following resources on the Resources webpage:
Sample Meeting Agenda
SkillsUSA Website Scavenger Hunt
Social Media Guide
Chapter Website Template
Establishing a Business and Industry Advisory Committee
- Wisconsin Competitions & Technical Standards
- Professional Development Opportunities
- Wisconsin – Advisor of the Year Recipients