
SkillsUSA Wisconsin shines an inspiring spotlight on the power and vitality of the skilled trades, but the events can’t happen without the support of generous, committed volunteers.  As a volunteer, you’ll be helping to shape futures and change lives, and you’ll also gain a firsthand understanding that America’s future is in good hands … because it’s in skilled hands.

If you’re ready and willing to share your skills with the next generation as a proud champion of the skilled trades: Click to fill out General Volunteer Form
If you specifically would like to volunteer for our State Leadership & Skills Conference April 1st & 2nd:  Click to fill out State Specific Form

Volunteer Opportunities

Conference Assistance

General conference assistance helps to support all aspects of SkillsUSA Championships, conference programming, and leadership and skill development.  Volunteers work to ensure the conference is a premier opportunity for all students, educators, and community members.

Competition Judge
SkillsUSA Championships

Judges for the SkillsUSA Championships serve as day of contest volunteers to score student competitors against a rubric based on their successful completion of and application of the SkillsUSA Technical Standards.  Judges may volunteer for the District or State levels of competition.

Technical Committee Member
SkillsUSA Championships

Technical committees consist of volunteer experts from business, industry and organized labor who plan the technical aspects of the competition, develop/revise the national competition project or tasks, and secure equipment, materials and administer the competition as specified in the  SkillsUSA Championships Technical Standards.